Catechism Research – Section C
Section C
CALUMNY: A false statement which harms the reputation of others and gives occasion for false judgments concerning them (2477). See Slander.
CANON LAW: The rules (canons or laws) which provide the norms for good order in the visible society of the Church. Those canon laws that apply universally are contained in the Codes of Canon Law. The most recent Code of Canon Law was promulgated in 1983 for the Latin (Western) Church and in 1991 for the Eastern Church (The Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches).
CANON OF THE MASS: The central part of the Mass, also known as the Eucharistic Prayer or “anaphora,” which contains the prayer of thanksgiving and consecration (1352).
CANON OF SCRIPTURE: The Church’s complete list of sacred books of the Bible (120).
CANONIZATION: The solemn declaration by the Pope that a deceased member of the faithful may be proposed as a model and intercessor to the Christian faithful and venerated as a saint on the basis of the fact that the person lived a life of heroic virtue or remained faithful to God through martyrdom (828; cf. 957).
CAPITAL SINS: Sins which engender other sins and vices. They are traditionally numbered as seven: pride, covetousness, envy, anger, gluttony, lust, and sloth (1866).
CARDINAL VIRTUES: Four pivotal human virtues (from the Latin carbo, “pivot”): prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. The human virtues are stable dispositions of the intellect and will that govern our acts, order our passions, and guide our conduct in accordance with reason and faith (1805, 1834). See Virtue.
CATECHESIS: An education of children, young people, and adults in the faith of the Church through the teaching of Christian doctrine in an organic and systematic way to make them disciples of Jesus Christ. Those who perform the ministry of catechists in the Church are called “catechists”.
Christ as the living center of, 426-27, 1697-98, 2145 and Christian initiation, 1233, 1248 and the commandments, 2065 and creation, 282 and the Creed, 188 and the liturgy, 1074-75, 1095, 1135 and the Magisterium of the Church, 2033, 2049 and popular piety, 1674 and prayer, 2688, 2695 moral catechesis of the apostolic teachings, 1971 nature and purpose of, 4-7, 426, 983, 1095, 2688 and Sacred Scripture, 132 See also Doctrine: Christian doctrine
CATECHISM: A popular summary or compendium of Catholic doctrine about faith and morals and designed for use in catechists.
adaptation to different cultures, 24 as the organic presentation of the faith in its entirety, 18 pastoral principle of, 25 preparation of, 10 principal sources of, 11 purpose of, 11 structure of, 13-17 to whom it is addressed, 12
CATECHUMEN: A person who is preparing for Baptism. The catechumenate is the formation of these catechumens in preparation for their Christian Initiation, and aims at bringing their conversion and their faith to maturity within the occlusal community (1248). The candidates are anointed with oil of catechumens by which they are strengthened in their conversion from sin and renunciation of Satan.
and charity, 1248-49 the Church and, 1249, 1537 instruction of, 281 Lord s Prayer and, 2769 oil of, 1294 and the profession of faith, 168, 256, 1253 salvation of, 1259, 1281
CATHEDRAL: The official church of the bishop of a diocese. The Greek word cathedra means chair or throne; the bishop’s “chair” symbolizes his teaching and governing authority, and is located in the principal church or “cathedral” of the local diocese of which he is the chief pastor (cf. 1572).
CATHOLIC: One of the four marks or notes of the Church, taken from the Nicene Creed. The Church is catholic or universal both because she possesses the fullness of Christ’s presence and the means of salvation, and because she has been sent out by Christ on a mission to the whole of the human race (750, 830).
CATHOLIC CHURCH: The Church established by Christ on the foundation of the Apostles, possessing the fullness of the means of salvation which he has willed: correct and complete confession of faith, full sacramental life, and ordained ministry in apostolic succession (830).
CELIBACY: The state or condition of those who have chosen to remain unmarried for the sake of the kingdom of heaven in order to give themselves entirely to God and to the service of his people. In the Latin Church, celibacy is obligatory for bishops and priests. In some Eastern Churches, celibacy is a prerequisite for the ordination only of bishops; priests may not marry after they have been ordained.
and chastity, 2349 consecrated life and, 915 Eastern Churches and, 1580 Latin Church and the celibacy of priests, 1579, 1599 single persons and pastoral care, 1658
CHARACTER, SACRAMENTAL: An indelible spiritual mark which is the permanent effect of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders, by which a person is given a new permanent configuration to Christ and a specific standing in the Church; the reception of these sacraments is never repeated (1272, 1304, 1582).
CHARISM: A specific gift or grace of the Holy Spirit which directly or indirectly benefits the Church, given in order to help a person live out the Christian life, or to serve the common good in building up the Church.
communion of, 951 of consecrated life, 924, 1175 discernment of, 801 Holy Spirit and, 688, 798, 800, 809, 1508, 2003, 2024, 2684 of infallibility, 890, 2035 of the laity, 910 significance and purpose of, 799, 800, 2003 of truth and growth in faith, 94 See also Holy Spirit
CHARITY: The theological virtue by which we love God above all things for his own sake, and our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God.
apathy and indifference contrary to, 2094 call to, 1694, 2013 catechesis and, 25, 1967, 1971 communion in, 953, 1475 destroyed by mortal sin, 1855-56, 1861, 1874 heart as the seat of, 1853 indulgence and, 1478 information and, 2489, 2494-95, 2497 as loving one s neighbor, 1822-29 “never ends,” 25 offended and wounded by venial sin, 1855, 1863, 1875 wipes away venial sins, 1394, 1472 See also Love
charity and sacraments
Baptism and, 1269, 1273, 1997, 2156, 2165 catechumens and, 1248-49 Eucharist as the sacrament of, 1323, 1394-95, 1416 marriage and, 1570, 1654 sacrament of Reconciliation and, 1434, 1466 sacramental life and growth in, 1134 sacraments of initiation and advancement in, 1212
charity as Christian moral life
charisms and, 800, 2003 chastity and, 2346 as the form of the virtues, 826, 1827, 1841, 1844 freedom and, 1740 fruit of, 1825, 1829 as the goal of our actions, 1829 peace as the fruit of, 2304 as the perfection of Christian life, 1844, 1973 prayer and, 2098, 2662, 2806 virtue of religion and, 2095
charity as witness and service
among the members of the Mystical Body, 791 the Church as the community of, 771, 815, 834 deacons and the service of, 1570, 1588, 1596 family as the school of Christian, 1657, 1666, 2204-05 love of country and the order of, 2239 Mary as the model of, 967-68 material goods and the order of, 2401, 2439, 2451, 2459, 2545 parish as a place of, 2179 religious life and, 915-16, 926 renunciation of violent action and the witness of, 2306 saints as a model of, 2156, 2165 secular institutes and, 928 as a social commandment, 1889 society of apostolic life and, 930 solidarity and, 1939, 1942 as the soul of the apostolate, 864 towards neighbor, 1789, 1878, 1931-32, 2447, 2462
theological virtues of charity, 1813, 1822, 1826, 1841, 1844
faith and, 162, 1794, 1814, 2093 and the freedom of the children of God, 1828 grace of Christ as the source of, 2011 hope and, 1818, 2090 as love of God and neighbor, 1822, 1840, 1844, 2055, 2086, 2093 as loving according to Christ’s love, 1823, 1825 new Law and, 1965-66, 1968, 1972-74 perseverance in, 1824 as the soul of holiness, 826 as the source of merits, 2011, 2026
CHASTITY: The moral virtue which, under the cardinal virtue of temperance, provides for the successful integration of sexuality within the person leading to the inner unity of the bodily and spiritual being. Chastity is called one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
and Baptism, 2345, 2348, 2355 call to, 2337, 2348, 2394 and charity, 2346 conjugal chastity and marriage, 2365, 2368 consecrated life and, 915, 944 following Christ and, 2053 friendship and, 2347 Holy Spirit at the origin of the virtue of, 1832, 2345 and homosexuality, 2357-59 increase in, 2343 meaning of, 2395 offenses against, 2351-56, 2396 pure hearts and, 2518, 2520, 2532 stages of growth in, 2339, 2341, 2344, 2346, 2395 and states of life, 2348-50 temperance, the virtue that directs, 2341 of those engaged to marry, 1632, 2350
CHOIR: A group of persons trained to lead in the singing at liturgical celebrations (1143).
CHRISM: Perfumed oil, consecrated by the bishop, which signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit. Chrism is used for consecration in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders.
anointing with sacred, 1241, 1289, 1291, 1294, 1312, 1574 Confirmation and, 1289, 1297, 1300, 1312, 1320 consecration of, 1297 reservation of the sacred, 1183
CHRISMATION: The name used in the Eastern Churches for the Sacrament of Confirmation, from the “chrism” or “myron” used in the anointing (1289).
CHRIST: From the Greek translation of the Hebrew Messiah, which means “anointed.” It became the name proper to Jesus because he accomplished perfectly the divine mission of priest, prophet, and King, signified by his anointing as Messiah, “Christ”.
Body of Christ
change of the bread into, 1106, 1333, 1353, 1376, 1411, 1413 communion and, 1385 communion of Christian faithful in Christ and, 948, 960 daily bread and, 2835, 2837, 2861 death of Christ and of His body, 627, 630 Eucharist and the, 1323, 1331, 1339, 1374-75, 1382, 1391, 1393, 1416 glorification of Christ’s body, 659 Holy Spirit and, 797-98, 1084, 1108 Mary and the, 466, 488, 973 offering the sacrifice of Christ’s body, 606, 610, 621 resurrection of, 640, 645-46, 648, 657 true humanity of, 476 veneration of, 103, 141
Christ and the Church
beginning, foundation and Head of the Church, 2, 424, 551-53, 771, 778, 807, 864, 874 bestows qualities on the Church, 811, 889-90 leads the Church, 551, 852, 1547 only gateway, 754 origin of the Church, 424, 763-67 origin of the Church’s Magisterium, 88 pillar of the Church, 820, 822-24, 830, 837, 869, 1076, 1547 presence in the Church, 775, 779, 1119 priesthood, 941, 1544-45
the Church
Baptism and Christ, 1261 Body of Christ, 787-96, 805 bride of Christ, 757, 772-73, 796, 808, 823, 867, 926, 1617 communion with Christ, 787-89 guardian of God’s Word, 171 sacrament of Christ’s action, 118 coming of Christ and perfection of the Church, 769 liturgy and the mystery of Christ, 1164-65, 1201, 1204 (see also Liturgy) memorial sacrifice of Christ, 1341, 1358, 1362-72, 1409 (see also Sacrifice)
Christ’s mystery made actual
being witnesses to Christ, 942, 995, 1816 believing in Christ, 161, 1709, 1715, 2074 catechesis and the mystery of Christ, 90, 1075 Christ’s love, 478, 609 Christ’s mystery celebrated in the liturgy, 1174 Christ’s mystery considered in prayer, 2708 common features of Christ’s mysteries, 516-18 communion with Christ, 957, 977, 985, 989, 1025, 1196, 1303, 1309, 1331, 1361, 1382, 1391, 1395-96, 2014, 2182 conversion to Christ, 1426-28, 1470 dying in Christ, 1005-14, 1681 following Christ, 916, 918, 923, 932, 1435, 1697, 2053, 2232-33, 2253, 2466, 2708 imitating Christ, 1694 living according to Christ, 2046 living in Christ, 2038 to love Christ, 166 man’s communion with Christ, 519, 521, 562 to be members of Christ, 1213, 1241, 1265, 1271-72, 1279 new Covenant of Christ, 762, 781 rising with Christ, 1002-04
mysteries of Christ’s life, 512-18
Christ’s Incarnation
born of the Virgin Mary, 487-507 Christ, 436-40, 453 Christ, Person of the Trinity, 249, 258-59 Christ, the visible image of God, 241, 477, 1559 conceived of the Holy Spirit, 437, 484-86, 490-93, 496, 498-99, 502, 504-05 “God sent his own Son,” 422 Incarnation of the Word, 456, 461-63 Jesus, 430-35, 452 Lord, 446-51, 455 only begotten Son, 441-45, 454 preparation for the coming of Christ, 522-24
announcement to the shepherds, 437 birth, 525-26 childhood, 527-30 circumcision, 527 Epiphany, 528 flight into Egypt and its significance, 530 life in Nazareth, 531, 534 presentation in the temple and its significance, 529
public life
accusations against Jesus, 574-76 ascent to Jerusalem, 557-58, 569 baptism, 535-37, 1223-25 beginning of, 535 Christ and the fulfillment of the Law, 577-82, 592 entrance into Jerusalem, 559-60, 570 exorcisms, 550, 1673 healings, 517, 582, 695, 1151, 1503-05, 2616 Jesus brothers and sisters, 500 Last Supper, 610-11, 1339-40 mission of the apostles, 553, 858-60, 862, 873, 877, 935, 981, 1122, 1536, 1575 proclamation of the Kingdom, 543-46 temptations, 538-40, 566 Transfiguration, 554-56, 568
Christ’s submission
effects of, 517 to the Father, 1009, 1019 to His parents, 532, 564 to the Law, 527
Christ hears our prayers, 2616 Christ teaches us how to pray, 2607-15, 2621 Jesus as the perfect example of prayer, 2620 Jesus prays, 2599-2606, 2701, 2741 the Lord’s Prayer, 2759-2865 (see also “Our Father,” the prayer) prayer of the Hour of Jesus, 2746-51, 2758 priestly Prayer of Jesus, 2604
preaching and its main subjects
Beatitudes, 1716-17, 1820 call to conversion, 1427, 1430, 1439, 1989, 2608 charity, 1823, 2055 Commandments, 2054, 2076, 2083 duties to one’s family, 2218 eternal life, 2052 forgiveness, 1933, 2262, 2842 Gehenna (eternal damnation), 1034 idolatry, 2113 Jesus revealed by the Holy Spirit, 728 kingdom of God, 541-46, 2826 the “Last Day,” 678 love of God, 2055, 2083, 2093, 2133-34 (see also Love) love of neighbor, 1970, 2196 love the poor, 2443, 2449, 2463 marital fidelity, 2380 matrimony, 1614-15, 2382 oath-taking, 2153-54 Penance and Reconciliation, 1441, 1443 poverty, 2544, 2546 purity, 2336 respect for the goods of another, 2412 resurrection, 993 scandal, 2285 sin, 1858 vigilance of heart, 2730
the Passion
agony in Gethsemani, 612 crucifixion and sacrifice of, 616-17 effects of Christ s Passion, 1708, 1992, 2020 hour of, 730 meaning of, 713 necessity of Christ’s Passion, 607 offering of, 621 trial, 595-98 union with, 1521-22, 1532
burial of Christ, 624-30 of Christ as an offering, 606-18 of Christ as Redemption, 573, 599-605, 619 Christ s descent into hell, 631-37 death of Christ and Baptism as death with Christ to sin, 628, 790, 1214 effects and significance of, 634, 636-37 God’s saving plan and, 571-72
appearances of, 641-44, 645 Christ s body preserved from corruption, 627 corporeity of the risen Christ, 645-46 day of Jesus’, 1166-67, 2191 day of Jesus resurrection as a new creation, 2174 different from that of others, 646 empty tomb, 640
the Eucharist, memorial of Jesus death and, 1163, 1166-67, 1337
for man’s justification, 519 and man’s resurrection, 992-1004 Old Testament, promises and Christ’s, 652 a real event historically verified, 639, 643-45, 656 saving aspect of Jesus’, 654-55, 658 significance of Christ’s, 272, 638, 651-55 as supreme truth, 638, 651, 653, 991 as a transcendent event, 645-48, 656 as a work of the Holy Spirit, 648
Christ s ascension as his final apparition, 659 consequences of Christ’s, 661, 663, 666-67 glorification of Christ, 312 significance of Christ’s, 662, 664-65, 668
coming of Christ
the Church and the glorious coming of Christ, 769
the Church’s final trial, 675-77 desire for and hope of, 671, 673 last judgment and, 1038-40 moment of, 673 purpose of, 216, 457-58, 460, 678-79, 681-82 renewal of the world and, 1042-43, 2818
mystery of Christ’s unity
Christ and the Holy Spirit
Christ gives the Spirit, 667, 730-31, 739, 1287
eternal Son of God
assuming a human nature, 461-63, 485, 488, 497
Christ as the revelation of the Father, 73, 221, 238-42, 2798 Christ as the way to the Father, 2609 Christ’s filial prayer, 2605 Christ’s incarnation, 479, 485, 488, 497, 723 “Firstborn among many brethren,” 2790 fulfillment of the divine plan, 128 Mary the Mother of Christ, 508-09 mediator of creation, 291-92 purposes of Christ s coming, 217, 456-60 support and guardian of the whole world, 320, 703 what Son of God signifies, 441-45
nature of Christ
body, 476-77 divine nature, 211, 447 heart of Christ, 478 human knowledge, 472 human nature, 470-78, 481-82 human will, 475 intellect, 482 Resurrection confirms the divinity of Christ, 653 Son of the living God, 153 submission to the Father, 536, 539, 606, 2600, 2824 true God and true man, 464-69, 480-82
spirit of Christ
acting according to, 2752 action of, 2832 apostles and, 1120 kingdom and, 2832
Christ’s titles
advocate, 519 amen, 1065 Anointed One, 453 bread of life, 1338, 1406, 2837 center of the angelic world, 331, 333, 351 center of Christian life, 1618 center of Scripture, 112, 117, 122, 124, 126, 129, 133-34, 139, 158 Christ, 436-40, 453, 486, 629, 690, 695, 727, 745, 783, 1289 example, 564, 896, 1477, 2740, 2825, 2862 example of love, 782, 1616, 1825 example of purity, 2345, 2348, 2394 first-born of humanity, 381, 2790 fulfillment of the Father’s will, 2824 fulfillment of the Scriptures, 2763 head of the People of God, Head of the Body, 747, 753, 782, 792-95, 807, 947, 1698 heart of catechesis, 426-29 intercessor, mediator, way to God, 51, 65-67, 257, 294, 2574, 2634 Jesus, 430-35, 452, 2666 judge, 1051, 1059 King, 783, 786, 908, 2105 Lamb of God, 608 liberator of man from sin, 360, 420-21, 549, 976, 981-82, 987, 2637 life, 2697
light of nations and of men, 280, 748, 1243 living, 625-26, 640, 662 Lord, 202, 209, 446-51, 455, 668-69
master of prayer, 2601, 2607-15, 2621, 2674, 2707, 2722, 2759, 2765-66, 2773, 2775 master who teaches, 108, 561 messenger of the Kingdom, 567, 865 Messiah, 440, 453, 547 mystery of salvation, 774 new Adam, 359, 411, 504 the one and only Mediator, 65-67, 480, 667, 771, 846 the only Word of Sacred Scripture, 101-04 our peace, 2305 physician of souls and bodies, 1421, 1458, 1484, 1503-05, 1509 Priest, 783, 1141 prophet, 783, 904 purpose of the Law, 1953, 1965, 1977 reconciliation of God with the world, 433, 620, 1449, 2795, 2839 Redeemer, 401, 616, 622, 679, 1026, 1069, 1235, 1476, 1992 Resurrection and life, 994 Revelation of the Father, 73, 221, 238-42, 2798 Revelation of God, 50, 53, 151, 240, 272, 385, 2583, 2812 Sanctification of men, 2813 Savior, 389, 846, 1019, 1359, 1507, 1584, 1741, 1846 sent by God, 422, 437 Servant, 565, 608, 623 shepherd of men, 160, 754 Son of David, 439, 559 Son of God, 423-24, 441-45, 454, 1286, 2783 Son of man, 440, 460 source of evangelization and of preaching, 49, 74-76 source of grace, 1642 source of hope, 1820 temple of God, 1197 truth, 2466 vine, 755, 2074 the way that leads to the Faith, 2609 Word, 241, 456-60
CHRISTIAN: A name derived from that of Christ himself. The name refers to all those who have been anointed through the gift of the Holy Spirit in Baptism; hence, the followers of Christ, the members of the Christian Church. According to Acts 11:26 “it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called Christians” (1289).
CHRISTMAS: The feast of the Nativity, the birth of Jesus (1171).
CHURCH: The name given the “convocation” or “assembly” of the People God has called together from “the ends of the earth.” In Christian usage, the word “Church” has three inseparable meanings: the People that God gathers in the whole world; the particular or local church (diocese); and the liturgical (above all Eucharistic) assembly. The Church draws her life from the Word and the Body of Christ, and so herself becomes Christ’s Body. In the Creed, the sole Church of Christ is professed to be one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.
angels as a help to the, 334-36 calls men to ordained ministry, 1578 commandments of the, 2041-43 family as the “domestic Church,” 1655-58, 2204, 2685 filial spirit of Christians toward the, 2040 “holy and without blemish,” 1426 Mary and her office in the mystery of the, 963-72, 973 Mary, Mother of the Church, 963 the missionary, 849-56 “Outside the Church there is no salvation,” 846-48 perfected in glory, 769, 1042 as the seed and beginning of the Kingdom, 541, 669, 764, 768 as a visible edifice, 1180, 1185-86, 2691 as a way to obtain God’s pardon, 1478-79 attributes of the Church, 750, 811, 865
one, 813-22
because of her source, her Founder, her soul, 813 bonds of unity, 815-16 the Church s mission seeks unity, 855 diversity in unity, 814, 818-19 Eucharist as the sacrament that strengthens the Church’s unity, 1416 seeking unity by the unity already given, 820-22 wounds to unity, 817
holy, 823-29
evangelical counsels as a help to holiness, 1986 the Holy Church clasps sinners to her bosom, 825, 827, 1428 Holy Spirit as the source of holiness, 749 made holy with Mary, 829 sanctified by Christ, 823-24 soul of holiness and charity, 826
catholic, 830-56
by Christ’s will, 831 each particular Church as the Catholic Church, 823-35 meaning of the word, 830 mission as a requirement of the Church’s Catholicity, 849 relations with churches that are not, 838
apostolic, 857-65
nature of the Church, 863 succession of bishops in the place of the apostles, 862 successors designated by the apostles, 861 three meanings of, 857
the Church and those who are non-Christians, 839
bond between the Church and non-Christian religions, 842-44 the Church open to men scattered and led astray, 845 necessity of the Church to obtain salvation, 846-48 relations of the Church with Muslims, 841 relations of the Church with the Jewish people, 839-40the Church and societythe Church as the safeguard of the transcendent nature of the human person, 2245 the Church’s moral judgment in political, economic, and social matters, 2246, 2420 political community and the Church, 244-46the Church as communionof charisms, 951 of charity, 953 with the dead, 958 as the deepest vocation of the Church, 959 of faith, 949 of God and men, 2790 with Jesus, 787-96 priestly community, 1119 sacrament of Communion in the liturgy, 1108 of saints, 946-48, 953 with the saints, 954-57 spiritual goods of the communion of saints as the Church s treasury, 1476the Church as the Mystical Body of Christbuilding up of the Church, 872, 1123, 2003 catechesis and the Church, 4 charisms and the Church, 800 Christ as head of the Church, 1548 Christians as members of the Church, 521, 790, 953, 960, 1267, 1396, 1988, 2045 the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ, 774, 776-77, 779, 787-96, 805-07, 1396 consecrated men and women and the Church, 917 dead and the Church, 958 the Holy Spirit and the Church, 1105-06, 1111, 1353 human illness and the Church, 1508 liturgy and the Church, 1070, 1140, 1187-88 sacraments and the Church, 774, 1116, 1123, 1267, 1279, 1621, 2040, 2782 unity, diversity, and mission of the members of the Church, 873-74, 947make-up of the Churchapostles as foundation stones of the, 642 Christ and His presence in the, 1380 Christ as head and origin of the, 669, 874 Christ provides the gifts and ministries of the, 794 Christian faithful in the, 897-913 hierarchical structure of the, 771, 874-87 ordained ministries cannot be substituted for in the structure of the, 1593 religious and consecrated life, 914, 916 (see also Life: consecrated life)ministry of governingauthority of governing the Church, 553 cooperation of the Christian faithful, 911 collegial and personal nature of ecclesiastical ministry, 877-78 as a ministry of service, 876, 894-95 office of the Ecumenical Council, 884 office of the episcopal college, 883, 885 office of the individual bishops, 886 office of the Supreme Pontiff, 882 pastoral office of Peter, the apostles, and bishops as the foundation of the Church, 881ministry of sanctifyingbishops and priests as stewards, 893, 1118-20 God sanctifies in Christ, 790, 805, 947, 1076, 1082, 1084, 1110-12 means of sanctifying, 893 ministry of the word, 2031, 2038 prayer, 2558, 2655mystery of the Churchthe Body of Christ, 787-96 foundation of the truth, 171 guardian of the deposit of faith, 171 historical and spiritual reality, 770-71 kingdom of priests for God, 1546, 1591 Mother and Teacher, 2030-46 place where each Christian fulfills his vocation, 2030 place where we know the Holy Spirit, 688 reconciled world, 845 and sacrament, 774-76 sacrament of the mission of Christ and the Holy Spirit, 738 seed and beginning of the Kingdom of God, 541 sign of heavenly Jerusalem, 117 spouse of Christ, 796 temple of the Holy Spirit, 797-98 in the union of men with God, 772-73 universal sacrament of salvation, 849offices of the Churchaccomplishing the Church’s mission in the world, 767, 2044-45 accomplishing evangelization and catechesis, 7 being an example of Christian holiness, 2030 being the people of God, 781-86 concern with the temporal aspects of the common good, 2420 conversion as an uninterrupted duty, 1428 forgiving sins, 827, 979-83, 1442, 1478 guarding the deposit of faith, 84, 97, 175 preserving apostolic preaching in a continuous line of succession, 77 proclaiming the Paschal mystery, 571 professing the faith, 172-75 professing faith in Christ’s kingship, 2105 professing faith in one God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, 152, 258, 738 safeguarding the faith, 168, 171, 173 sanctifying men, 824 serving God, 783-86 teachingorigin of the Churchauthority of the Ecumenical Council, 891 authority of the episcopal college and the Supreme Pontiff, 891, 2035 authority extended to natural law, 2036 catechesis and preaching, 2033 the Church, Mother, and Teacher, 2030-46 lay faithful in the ministry of teaching, 906 Magisterium of the Church, 85-87 (see also Magisterium) ministry of teaching as the service of the Word of God, 86 necessity of teaching in the faith, 2037 proclaiming salvation, 2032 significance of the term “teaching office,” 890 social doctrine, 2419-25 Supreme Pontiff and the bishops as authentic teachers, 888, 2034
watching over and interpreting the Word of God, 119
apostles as foundation stones of the Church, 642 beginning of the Church, 124, 763, 766-67, 1185 Christ as the living stone of the Church, 552 inaugurated by Jesus Christ, 763-66, 874 Peter, the rock on which the Church is built, 552, 881 in the plan of the Father, 759, 761 prefigured from the world’s beginning, 760 prepared in the Old Covenant, 761-62 revelation of the Church on the day of Pentecost, 767, 1076the particular Church and the universal Church, 879, 886bishop as the head and responsible for the particular Church, 1369, 1560, 1594 each particular Church as the Catholic Church, 832-35 Eucharist as center of the life of the particular Church, 893 parish and the particular Church, 2179, 2226 priestly ordinations and the particular Church, 1572 priest’s responsibility for the particular Church, 1595 those responsible for, 1594-95 traditions of the faith and the particular Church, 83, 174, 192, 1202 what the particular Church signifies, 833symbols and figures of the Churchbuilding, 756 figures, 507, 710, 753, 967, 2679 Jerusalem which is above, 757 Mary, figure of the Church, 507, 967, 972 meaning of the word “Church,” 751-52 Mother, 169, 507 , 757 olive tree, 755 sheepfold and flock, 754 teacher of the faith, 169 temple of God, 756
CIRCUMCISION: The rite prescribed in Judaism and other cultures which involves cutting off the foreskin of a male. Circumcision was a sign of the covenant between God and his people Israel and prefigured the rite of Christian initiation in Baptism. Jesus was circumcised eight days after his birth in accord with Jewish law.
COLLEGIALITY: The principle that all the bishops of the Church with the Pope at their head form a single “college,” which succeeds in every generation the “college” of the Twelve Apostles, with Peter at their head, which Christ instituted as the foundation of the Church. This college of bishops together with, but never without, the Pope has supreme and full authority over the universal Church (861, 880, 883).
COMMANDMENT: A norm of moral and/or religious action; above all, the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses. Jesus summarized all the commandments in the twofold command of love of God and love of neighbor (2052).
conscience and, 1777 disobeying God s command and sin, 397 faith and, 2614 five precepts of the Church, 2041-43 God s will as our, 2822 keeping, 348, 1050 Law of the Gospel and the commandment of love, 1974 liturgy and commandment of Christ, 1341 Magisterium of the Church and, 2033 Magisterium and its authority in relation to the precepts of natural law, 2036 observance of the holy days of obligation, 2180-81, 2185 proclaiming of salvation as a mandate given to the Church, 849, 2032 purposes of the commandments of the Law, 578 recognizing the precepts of divine law, 1778, 1960 revelation of the Decalogue, 2071 right to be instructed in the divine saving precepts, 2037 transgression of the commandments the Law, 577 commandment of love
charity, 1822, 1889 charity as Christ s new commandment, 782, 1823, 1970, 2074 Decalogue as a statement of the commandments, 16, 1697, 2067 evangelical counsels and, 1973-74, 1986 as the first commandment, 575, 1337, 2055 keeping Christ’s commandments, 1824 love of God, 2083-2195 love of neighbor, 2196-2557
confession and, 1456 conscience and, 1962 Creed and, 1064 demands and obligations of, 2054, 2067, 2072-73, 2081 disobeying and sin, 1853, 1858 division and numbering of, 2066 eternal life and, 2052, 2075 evangelical Law and the, 1968, 2053, 2074 as a gift from God, 2060 God s will expressed, 2059, 2063 happiness as the ultimate end of, 16 importance of, 2065, 2076, 2078 interpretation and understanding of, 2055-56, 2061, 2077 keeping of, 2052-53 natural law and, 1955, 2049, 2070-71, 2080 necessity of, 2071 Old Covenant and, 2057, 2060-62, 2077 Old Law and, 1980 purposes of the, 2063 Sacred Scripture and, 2056-63, 2078 significance of, 1724, 1962, 2033, 2057 significance of the word “Decalogue,” 2056, 2058 synopsis of the Ten Commandments, 2051-52 tables of, 2058 the Ten Commandments
first, 2084-2141 second, 2142-67 third, 2168-95 fourth, 2197-2257 fifth, 2258-2330 sixth, 2331-2400 seventh, 2401-63 eighth, 2464-2513 ninth, 2514-33 tenth, 2534-57
COMMANDMENTS OF THE CHURCH: See Precepts of the Church.
COMMUNION: Holy Communion, the reception of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist (1382). More generally, our fellowship and union with Jesus and other baptized Christians in the Church, which has its source and summit in the celebration of the Eucharist. In this sense, Church as communion is the deepest vocation of the Church.
among men, 357, 775, 1445, 1702, 2419 between the divine persons, 267, 738, 1693 between man and woman, 371-72, 383, 2331-32 of the bishop with the Christian faithful, 84, 1301 catechesis and communion with Christ, 426 of charisms, 951 of charity, 953 the Church and (see Church) of the Church of heaven and earth, 954-59 with the dead, 958, 1684, 1689, 1690 ecclesial communion
and the family, 2204-05 and schism, 2089 and sin, 1440, 1446, 1448, 1455
Eucharistic (see Eucharist) in faith, 154, 185, 188, 949, 1102, 1209 friendship as spiritual, 2347 of the Holy Spirit, 734, 1097, 1108-09, liturgy and, 1071, 1136 of man
with Christ, 533, 725, 787, 790, 1331 with the divine persons, 259, 732, 737, 850, 1107 with God, 27, 45, 54, 154, 613, 780, 1489, 1804 with the mysteries of Jesus, 519-21
prayer as, 2565, 2655, 2682, 2689, 2713, 2799, 2801 of the sacraments, 950 sacraments at the service of, 790, 1126, 1533-35 of spiritual goods, 949, 952 of the Supreme Pontiff with the bishops, 85, 100, 816, 892, 895
COMMUNION OF SAINTS: The unity in Christ of all the redeemed, those on earth and those who have died. The communion of saints is professed in the Apostles’ Creed, where it has also been interpreted to refer to unity in the “holy things” (communio sanctorum), especially the unity of faith and charity achieved through participation in the Eucharist.
diverse spiritualities and, 2684 intercession as an expression of, 1055, 2635 significance of, 1331
CONCUPISCENCE: Human appetites or desires which remain disordered due to the temporal consequences of original sin, which remain even after Baptism, and which produce an inclination to sin.
the Commandments and, 2529, 2534 fight against, 978, 1264, 1426, 2520, 2530 of the flesh, 2514, 2520 Law and, 1963, 2542 meaning and kinds of, 2514-15 original sin and, 376, 400, 405 purification of the heart and, 2517, 2530 sin and, 1869
CONFESSION: An essential element of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, which consists in telling one’s sins to the priestly minister. By extension, the word confession is used to refer to the Sacrament of Penance itself (1455).
CONFIRMATION: One of the ensemble of the Sacraments of Initiation into the Church, together with Baptism and Eucharist. Confirmation completes the grace of Baptism by a special outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which seal or “confirm” the baptized in union with Christ and equip them for active participation in the worship and apostolic life of the Church (1285-1321).
age for receiving, 1307-08 apostolate of the laity and, 900, 941 character of, 698, 1121, 1304-05, 1317 New Law and, 1210 preparation and purposes for, 1309 priesthood of the Christian faithful and, 1546 salvation and, 1286-92 significance of, 1289 state required for receiving, 1310, 1318-19 who may receive the sacrament of, 1306-11 witness and, 2472 Confirmation and the sacraments
effects of Confirmation
increase of baptismal grace, 1303, 1316 indelible character of, 1304-05, 1317 the outpouring of the Spirit, 1302 the Seal and, 698, 1121
Rite of Confirmation, 1297-1301
anointing, 695, 1242, 1291, 1294, 1300, 1523 celebration separate from Baptism, 1233, 1290, 1321 to be conferred only once, 1304 godfather and godmother, 1311 handing over of the Lord’s Prayer, 2769 Holy chrism, 1297 laying on of hands, 1288 minister of, 1312-14, 1318 signs and rites of, 1293-1301, 1320
CONSCIENCE: The interior voice of a human being, within whose heart the inner law of God is inscribed. Moral conscience is a judgment of practical reason about the moral quality of a human action. It moves a person at the appropriate moment to do good and to avoid evil. An examination of conscience is recommended as a preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of Penance (1776-1802).
authority and, 1903 conduct, choices, and, 1786-89, 1799 conversion and, 1435, 1453, 1797, 1848 definition and significance of, 1776, 1778, 1795 divine law and, 1706, 1776, 1778, 1786-87 erroneous judgment and, 1790-94, 1801 faith and, 160, 162, 1802 forgiveness of sins and, 1454, 1468, 1493, 1496 formation of, 1783-85, 1798, 1802 hearing the voice of, 1779, 1800 human dignity and moral, 1700, 1780, 2524 judgment of, 1777, 1800 mass media and the formation of, 2496 moral reparation and duty of, 2487 morality of human acts and, 1749, 1751, 1796 (see also Human act; Morality) prudence and, 1806 refusal to bear arms for reasons of, 2311 responsibility for acts and, 1781 right to act in accordance with, 1786-89, 1799, 1907, 2106, 2242, 2256 right to act in freedom of, 1782 rights, duties, and conscience, 912 salvation and, 847 sin and offense against right, 1849, 1860, 1865 voice of, 33, 46, 1706, 1776, 1779, 1795, 2071
CONSECRATED LIFE: A permanent state of life recognized by the Church, entered freely in response to the call of Christ to perfection, and characterized by the profession of the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience (914). See Vow.
CONSECRATED VIRGINS: Women who have decided with the Church’s approval to cling only to the Lord and to live in a state of virginity “for the sake of the kingdom of heaven” and are consecrated in that state by a solemn rite (922-924).
CONSECRATION: The dedication of a thing or person to divine service by a prayer or blessing. The consecration at Mass is that part of the Eucharistic Prayer during which the Lord’s words of institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper are recited by the priestly minister, making Christ’s Body and Blood–his sacrifice offered on the cross once for all–sacramentally present under the species of bread and wine (1352, 1353).
and the anaphora, 1352 and anointing, 1294 of bishops, 1556-59, 1562 and blessing, 1672 and Holy Orders, 1538 of Jesus, 438, 534 of the laity, 901 and mission, 931-33 and the priesthood of Christ, 1548 and sacraments, 1535 of the sacred chrism, 1297 and the state of consecrated life, 916, 931 of virgins (liturgical rite), 923
CONTEMPLATION: A form of wordless prayer in which mind and heart focus on God’s greatness and goodness in affective, loving adoration; to look on Jesus and the mysteries of his life with faith and love.
the Church and, 771 Eucharist and, 1380 man s contemplation of God, 1028 man s contemplation of Jesus, 2715 prayer and, 2651, 2687 of sacred icons, 1162
CONTRACEPTION, ARTIFICIAL: The use of mechanical, chemical, or medical procedures to prevent conception from taking place as a result of sexual intercourse; contraception offends against the openness to procreation required of marriage and also the inner truth of conjugal love (2370).
love of spouses, a mind open to life, and birth regulation, 2370 regulation of births and, 2399
CONTRITION: Sorrow of the soul and hatred for the sin committed, together with a resolution not to sin again. Contrition is the most important act of the penitent, and is necessary for the reception of the Sacrament of Penance (1451-54).
CONVERSION: A radical reorientation of the whole life away from sin and evil, and toward God. This change of heart or conversion is a central element of Christ’s preaching, of the Church’s ministry of evangelization, and of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation.
accomplishment of, 1435 call to, 160, 545, 981, 1036, 1428 catechumenate leads conversion to maturity, 1248 Christian initiation and, 1229 conscience and, 1797 erroneous judgment and lack of, 1792 evil as a way to, 385, 1502 fragility of human nature and, 1426 gift of the Holy Spirit, 1098, 1433 grace and, 1991, 2000, 2010, 2027 of heart and the prophets, 2581-84, 2595 of heart and Sermon on the Mount, 2608 human presumption and, 2092 interior conversion essential to social change, 1886-89, 1896 John s baptism of conversion, 720, 523, 535 justification and, 1989, 1993 the kingdom and, 1470, 2612 necessity of conversion of the heart, 821, 1430-33, 1856, 1888, 2608-09, 2708 Old Law and, 1963 penance and, 1422-23, 2042 prayer and, 2708, 2731, 2754, 2784 process of conversion and repentance, 1439 rejection of, 591 of St. Paul, 442 of St. Peter, 1429 sin, conversion, and purification, 1472, 1486, 1856 sources of, 1436-37 various forms of penance and, 1430-32, 1434 visible effects of, 1430, 1440 what is necessary for, 1490, 1848
COUNCIL, ECUMENICAL: A gathering of all the bishops of the world, in the exercise of their collegial authority over the universal Church. An ecumenical council is usually called by the successor of St. Peter, the Pope, or at least confirmed or accepted by him (884).
COUNSEL: See Evangelical Counsels; Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
COVENANT: A solemn agreement between human beings or between God and a human being involving mutual commitments or guarantees. The Bible refers to God’s covenants with Noah, Abraham, and Moses as leader of the chosen people, Israel. In the Old Testament or Covenant, God revealed his law through Moses and prepared his people for salvation through the prophets. In the New Testament or Covenant, Christ established a new and eternal covenant through his own sacrificial death and Resurrection. The Christian economy is the new and definitive Covenant which will never pass away, and no new public revelation is to be expected before the glorious manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ.
altar and, 1182 apostles as priests of, 611, 859, 1337 Christ as the definitive covenant of God, 73 Christ as the sole priest of, 662, 1348, 1365, 1410 Christ s death as the Paschal sacrifice of, 613 Church and, 759, 778, 796, 839, 840 cup of, 612 Eucharist and, 610, 611, 1339, 1365, 1410, 1846 Jesus circumcision as a sign of, 527 Old Law and, 577, 1964, 2056 place of worship and, 1179 prayer in, 2565, 2607, 2614, 2771, 2787, 2801 prophets and expectation of, 64 sacraments and, 1091, 1116, 1129, 1222, 1541 Sunday worship and, 2176
Abraham and, 72, 992, 2571 Commandments and the meaning of, 2061-63 Decalogue and, 2057, 2077 God and the Covenant with His people, 238, 781, 1102, 1612, 2058 heart as the place of, 2563 Law and, 346, 709, 2060-63, 2070 liturgy and, 1093, 1156 man called to a Covenant with his Creator, 357 offering of bread and wine and, 1334 permanent value of, 121 prayer and the Covenant between God and man, 2564, 2567, 2569, 2713, 2795, 2829, 2841 prefigurations and, 1217, 1223, 1544 preparations for Christ in the Covenant, 522, 762 priesthood and, 1539, 1542, 1544 sabbath as a sign of, 2171 signs and symbols of, 1145, 1150-52, 1334 Sinai Covenant, 62, 204, 2810
COVETOUSNESS: A disordered inclination or desire for pleasure or possessions. One of the capital sins, it is proscribed by the ninth and tenth commandments (2514, 2534).
CREATION: The act by which the eternal God gave a beginning to all that exists outside of himself. Creation also refers to the created universe or totality of what exists, as often expressed by the formula “the heavens and the earth”
Apostles Creed and faith in God the Creator, 325-27 beauty and goodness of, 299, 341, 353, 1333 catechesis about, 282-89 Christ s relationship with, 792, 2105, 2637 fulfillment of, 668, 1015 God keeps in being, 421 God as the master builder of, 317, 337 God s plan and, 257, 280, 315, 759, 1066 God s providence and, 216, 301, 314 God s revelation and, 287-89, 337 good of creation intended for all, 299, 2402, 2452 Holy Spirit and, 243, 291, 703 human dignity and, 1700 human work as man s collaboration in, 2427, 2460 imperfection of, 302, 307, 310, 378 as an inheritance entrusted to man, 299 knowing God through, 31, 32, 1147, 2500 man s relationship with, 343, 355, 396, 1469 marriage in the order of, 1603-05 new creation in Christ, 315, 374 original sin and, 400, 1608 prayer and, 2569, 2793 purposes and reasons of, 293-94, 314, 319, 353, 358 respect for the integrity of, 354, 2415-18 role of the Word of God in, 291, 320 seventh day and, 2169, 2190 significance of, 326 thanksgiving to God for, 1352, 1359-60 Trinity and, 258, 290-92, 316
CREED: A brief, normative summary statement or profession of Christian faith, e.g., the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed. The word “Creed” comes from the Latin Credo, meaning “I believe,” with which the Creed begins. Creeds are also called Symbols of Faith.
Apostles Creed, 194, 196, 2558 baptismal creed, 189 change throughout the centuries, 192-93 component parts of the Creed, 190-91 composition of the Creed, 186 God in the Creed, 199 meaning of the Creed, 188 Nicene Constantinopolitan Creed, 195 of the profession of faith, 187, 192 reciting the Creed, 197
CROSS: The instrument of execution on which Christ died; a symbol of the unique sacrifice of Christ as sole mediator between God and man. Jesus invited his disciples to take up their cross and follow him, in order to associate with his redeeming sacrifice those who were to be its first beneficiaries. Catholics begin their prayers and actions with the Sign of the Cross “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” A devotional cross with the figure of Jesus suspended on it is called a “crucifix”.
as the altar of the New Covenant, 1182 Christ s reign extended by the way of, 853 effects of the sacrifice of, 617, 813, 1505, 1741, 1992, 2305 Eucharist as the ever present sacrifice of, 1323, 1364-66, 1382 kingdom of God established through Christ’s, 550 kingship of Christ and, 440 responsibility for the pain of, 598 sacrifice of the Cross and acceptance of it, 561 sacrifice of the Cross as an example of solidarity and charity, 1939 Sign of the Cross
beginning of the day and of activities with, 2157, 2166 sacramentals and, 1668, 1671 significance of, 1235
taking up and bearing one’s own, 1435, 1460, 1615, 1642, 2029, 2427 as the way to follow Christ, 555, 1816 as the way to holiness, 2015