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Patron Saints

Patrons Saints

A patron is a saint who is venerated as a special intercessor before God. Most patrons have been so designated as the result of popular devotion and long-standing custom. In many cases, the fact of existing patronal devotion is clear despite historical obscurity regarding its origin. The Church has made official designation of relatively few patrons; in such cases, the dates of designation are given in parentheses in the list below. The theological background of the patronage of saints includes the dogmas of the Mystical Body of Christ and the Communion of Saints. Listed are patron saints of occupations and professions, and saints whose intercession is sought for special needs.

Alphabetical by Topic – Uppercase=Martyr – Bold=New Roman Calendar  
Topic Saint Feast Day
Abandoned Infants St. Jerome Emiliani 02/08
Accountants ST. MATTHEW 09/21
Advertisers St. Bernardine of Siena 05/20
Altar Servers St. John Berchmans 08/13
Animals St. Francis of Assisi 10/04
Animals, Domestic St. Anthony 01/17
Animals, Domestic ST. CORNELIUS 09/16
Animals, Domestic St. Ambrose 12/07
Apologists ST. JUSTIN 06/01
Archers ST. SEBASTIAN 01/20
Architects ST. THOMAS 07/03
Armorers ST. SEBASTIAN 01/20
Armories ST. LAWRENCE 08/10
Artists St. Michael 09/29
Artists ST. LUKE 10/18
Astronomers St. Dominic 08/08
Athletes ST. SEBASTIAN 01/20
Authors St. Francis de Sales 01/24
Authors ST. LUCY 12/13
Automobilists St. Frances of Rome 03/09
Aviators Thérèse of the Child Jesus 10/01
Aviators Our Lady of Loretto 12/10
Bakers St. Elizabeth of Hungary 11/17
Bakers St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Bakers ST. PETER 06/29
Bankers ST. MATTHEW 09/21
Barbers St. Louis of France 08/25
Barren Women ST. FELICITY 03/07
Barren Women St. Anthony of Padua 06/13
Basket-makers St. Anthony 01/17
Beekeepers St. Bernard of Clairvaux 08/20
Beekeepers St. Ambrose 12/07
Beggars St. Martin of Tours 11/11
Beggars St. Elizabeth of Hungary 11/17
Blind St. Raphael 09/29
Blind ST. LUCY 12/13
Bodily Ills Our Lady or Lourdes 02/11
Bookkeepers ST. MATTHEW 09/21
Booksellers Thomas Aquinas 01/28
Booksellers St. John of God 03/08
Booksellers St. John the Evangelist 12/27
Boy Scouts ST. GEORGE 04/23
Brewers ST. BONIFACE 06/05
Brewers St. Augustine 08/28
Brewers ST. LUKE 10/18
Brewers St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Bricklayers ST. STEPHEN 12/26
Brides St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Broadcasters St. Gabriel 09/29
Brush-makers St. Anthony 01/17
Builders St. Vincent Ferrer 04/05
Builders ST. THOMAS 07/03
Butchers St. Anthony 01/17
Butchers ST. LUKE 10/18
Cabinet-makers St. Anne, Mother of Mary 07/26
Cancer Patients St. Peregrine Laziosi 05/02
Canonist St. Raymond of Penyafort 01/07
Candle Makers St. Ambrose 12/07
Captives St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Carpenters St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Catechists St. Robert Bellarmine 09/17
Catechists St. Charles Borromeo 11/04
Catechumens St. Robert Bellarmine 09/17
Catechumens St. Charles Borromeo 11/04
Catholic Action St. Francis of Assisi 10/04
Catholic Action ST. PAUL 06/29
Catholic Charities St. Elizabeth of Portugal 07/04
Catholic Charities St. Elizabeth of Hungary 11/17
Catholic Schools Thomas Aquinas 01/28
Catholic Writers/Press St. Francis de Sales 01/24
Catholic Youth St. Charles Lwanga 06/03
Catholic Youth St. Aloysius Gonzaga 06/21
Cattle ST. CORNELIUS 09/16
Cavalrymen ST. GEORGE 04/23
Chandlers St. Bernard of Clairvaux 08/20
Chandlers St. Ambrose 12/07
Charitable Societies St. Vincent de Paul 09/27
Child Birth St. Gerard Majella 10/16
Children ST. PANCRAS 05/12
Children St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Children, Abandoned St. Jerome Emiliani 02/08
Children of Mary ST. AGNES 01/21
Children of Mary ST. MARIA GORETTI 07/06
Childless Women St. Anne, Mother of Mary 07/26
Chivalry ST. GEORGE 04/23
Church St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Christian Mothers St. Anne, Mother of Mary 07/26
Clock makers ST. PETER 06/29
Communications St. Gabriel 09/29
Confessors St. Alphonsus Liguori 08/02
Convulsion in Children St. Scholastica 02/10
Cooks St. Martha 07/29
Cooks ST. LAWRENCE 08/10
Coopers St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Cursillo Movement ST. PAUL 06/29
Custom Officials ST. MATTHEW 09/21
Deaf St. Francis de Sales 01/24
Desperate Situations ST. JUDE THADDEUS 10/28
Doctors ST. LUKE 10/18
Druggists ST. JAMES THE LESS 05/03
Druggists SS. COSMAS AND DAMIAN 09/26
Dying St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Dying ST. JAMES THE LESS 05/03
Ecology St. Francis of Assisi 10/04
Editors St. John Bosco 01/31
Elderly St. Anthony of Padua 06/13
Emigrants St. Francis Xavier Cabrini 11/13
Engaged Couples ST. AGNES 01/21
Engineers St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Expectant Mothers St. Gerard Majella 10/16
Eye Disorders St. Clare of Assisi 08/11
Eye Trouble ST. LUCY 12/13
Family St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Farmers St. Isidore, the Farmer 05/15
Farmers ST. GEORGE 04/23
Farriers ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST 08/29
Fathers St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Florists St. Rose of Lima 08/23
Florists Thérèse of the Child Jesus 10/01
Fire Prevention St. Catherine of Siena 04/29
Fires ST. AGATHA 02/05
Fishermen ST. PETER 06/29
Fishermen ST. ANDREW 11/30
Florists Thérèse of the Child Jesus 10/01
Fullers ST. JAMES THE LESS 05/03
Gardeners St. Rose of Lima 08/23
Geometricians ST. THOMAS 07/03
Girls ST. AGNES 01/21
Glass-workers ST. LUKE 10/18
Glaziers ST. MARK 04/25
Grave-diggers St. Anthony 01/17
Grocers St. Michael 09/29
Guardian Angles St. Raphael 09/29
Hairdressers St. Martin de Porres 11/03
Harvest St. Anthony of Padua 06/13
Hatters ST. JAMES THE LESS 05/03
Headaches St. Teresa of Avila 10/15
Heart Ailments St. John of God 03/08
Hospitals St. John of God 03/08
Hospitals ST. JUDE THADDEUS 10/28
Housewives St. Anne, Mother of Mary 07/26
Housewives St. Martha 07/29
Inn-keepers St. Martin de Porres 11/03
Interior souls St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Immigrants St. Francis Xavier Cabrini 11/13
Ironmongers ST. SEBASTIAN 01/20
Journalists St. Francis de Sales 01/24
Jurists St. John of Capistrano 10/23
Knights St. Michael 09/29
Laborers St. Isidore, the Farmer 05/15
Laborers ST. JAMES 07/25
Lawyers St. Thomas More 06/22
Lay Apostate ST. PAUL 06/29
Learning St. Ambrose 12/07
Librarians St. Jerome 09/30
Lost Articles St. Anthony of Padua 06/13
Lovers St. Raphael 09/29
Marble-workers ST. CLEMENT I 11/23
Mariners St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Mariners St. Michael 09/29
Married Women St. Monica 08/27
Masons St. Louis of France 08/25
Merchants St. Francis of Assisi 10/04
Merchants St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Messengers St. Gabriel 09/29
Military Chaplains St. John of Capistrano 10/23
Miners St. Anne, Mother of Mary 07/26
Missions Thérèse of the Child Jesus 10/01
Missions St. Francis Xavier 12/03
Missions (Negro) St. Peter Claver 09/09
Mothers St. Anne, Mother of Mary 07/26
Mothers St. Monica 08/27
Musicians ST. PAUL 06/29
Musicians St. Gregory the Great 09/03
Musicians ST. CECILIA 11/22
Notaries ST. MARK 04/25
Notaries ST. LUKE 10/18
Nurses St. John of God 03/08
Nurses ST. AGATHA 02/05
Nurses St. Raphael 09/29
Old Maids ST. ANDREW 11/30
Orators St. John Chrysostom 09/13
Organ Builders ST. CECILIA 11/22
Orphans St. Jerome Emiliani 02/08
Painters ST. LUKE 10/18
Painters St. John the Evangelist 12/27
Paratroopers St. Michael 09/29
Pawnbrokers St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Penitents St. Mary Magdalene 07/22
Pharmacists SS. COSMAS AND DAMIAN 09/26
Philosophers St. Thomas Aquinas 01/28
Philosophers ST. JUSTIN 06/01
Physicians SS. COSMAS AND DAMIAN 09/26
Physicians ST. LUKE 10/18
Physicians St. Raphael 09/29
Pilgrims ST. JAMES 07/25
Plasterers ST. BARTHOLOMEW 08/24
Plumbers St. Vincent Ferrer 04/05
Poets ST. CECILIA 11/22
Poisoning St. Benedict 07/11
Policemen St. Michael 09/29
Poor St. Anthony of Padua 06/13
Poor ST. LAWRENCE 08/10
Possessed St. Bruno 10/06
Possessed ST. DENIS 10/09
Postal Employees St. Gabriel 09/29
Preachers St. John Chrysostom 09/13
Priests St. John Mary Vianney 08/04
Printers St. John of God 03/08
Printers St. Augustine 08/28
Printers ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST 08/29
Radio-workers St. Gabriel 09/29
Radiologists St. Michael 09/29
Retreats St. Ignatius of Loyola 07/31
Rome ST. PETER 06/29
Rome ST. PAUL 06/29
Rome ST. LAWRENCE 08/10
Rome St. Philip Neri 05/26
Rheumatism ST. JAMES 07/25
Rural Communities St. Isidore, the Farmer 05/15
Sacred Music ST. CECILIA 11/22
Sailors St. Nicholas of Myra 12/06
Schools St. Thomas Aquinas 01/28
Schools for the Poor St. Joseph Calasanz 08/25
Schoolboys St. Benedict 07/11
Schoolboys ST. LAWRENCE 08/10
Scientists St. Albert the Great 11/15
Scripture Scholars St. Jerome 09/30
Sculptors St. Louis of France 08/25
Sculptors ST. LUKE 10/18
Seminarians St. Charles Borromeo 11/04
Servants St. Martha 07/29
Sick St. John of God 03/08
Sick St. Michael 09/29
Sick Pilgrims St. Pius X 08/21
Singers St. Gregory the Great 09/03
Singers ST. CECILIA 11/22
Singles ST. ANDREW 11/30
Skin Diseases St. Anthony 01/17
Snake Bites St. Hilary of Poitiers 01/13
Social Justice St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Social Justice St. Martin de Porres 11/03
Soldiers ST. SEBASTIAN 01/20
Soldiers ST. GEORGE 04/23
Soldiers St. Ignatius of Loyola 07/31
Soldiers St. Michael 09/29
Soldiers St. Martin of Tours 11/11
Sore Throat ST. BLAISE 02/03
Speakers St. John Chrysostom 09/13
Stomach Disorders St. Timothy 01/26
Stone-cutters ST. CLEMENT I 11/23
Stone-masons ST. STEPHEN 12/26
Students St. Thomas Aquinas 01/28
Students St. Jerome 09/30
Surgeons SS. COSMAS AND DAMIAN 09/26
Surgeons ST. LUKE 10/18
Swine herds St. Anthony of Padua 06/13
Tailors ST. BONIFACE 06/05
Tailors St. Martin of Tours 11/11
Tailors St. Homobonus 11/13
Tanners ST. LAWRENCE 08/10
Tax-gathers ST. MATTHEW 09/21
Teachers St. Gregory the Great 09/03
Teachers (Principal) St. John Baptist de la Salle 04/07
Teenage Girls ST. MARIA GORETTI 07/06
Telecommunications St. Gabriel 09/29
Telegraph/Telephone St. Clare of Assisi 08/11
Telegraph/Telephone St. Gabriel 09/29
Television St. Clare of Assisi 08/11
Tent makers ST. PAUL 06/29
Tertiaries St. Louis of France 08/25
Tertiaries St. Elizabeth of Hungary 11/17
Theology St. Thomas Aquinas 01/28
Theology St. Augustine 08/28
Theology (Moral) St. Alphonsus Liguori 08/01
Travelers St. Anthony of Padua 06/13
Travelers St. Raphael 09/29
Universal Church St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Universities Thomas Aquinas 01/28
Vintners ST. VINCENT 01/22
Volcanic Eruptions ST. AGATHA 02/05
Vocations St. Alphonsus Liguori 08/01
WaitersWaitresses St. Martha 07/29
Widows St. Frances of Rome 03/09
Wine-growers ST. VINCENT 01/22
Wine-growers St. Martin of Tours 11/11
Women in Labor St. Anne, Mother of Mary 07/26
Workers St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 03/19
Writers St. Francis de Sales 01/24
Writers ST. LUCY 12/13
Young Girls ST. AGNES 01/21
Youth St. Aloysius Gonzaga 06/21
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