Can I still attend Mass and take Communion if I’m divorced or wasn’t married in the Church?
Everyone—no matter what their situation or standing—is always free to attend Mass. Please don’t let questions of divorce or marital validity interfere with your regular attendance.
If you are divorced and have not remarried, you may receive the Eucharist if you are not burdened by a grave sin that requires sacramental Confession. The same applies for Confirmation. The sacraments of Penance and Anointing of the Sick are available to all Catholics, always. If you have remarried, you would need to have your current marriage convalidated before receiving Communion, which may involve having your first marriage declared null. If you are still in your first marriage but it took place outside the Church, you must also have it convalidated. Your pastor or another parish staff member can help you begin this process; please contact your parish office for more information.