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Matrimony – The Sacrament of Marriage

by John O’Connell

Families form the foundation of human society. But marriage is the cornerstone of the family. And in God’s Providence, the Sacrament of Marriage is indispensable to the continued growth of the Church. Most Catholics marry, but too few understand that marriage is a sacrament to be lived. For those spouses who are faithful to Christ and His teaching, the Sacrament of Marriage is a source of grace to them and through them to their children.

Today, more than ever, Catholic couples need the grace of God to live out their marriage vows because contemporary Western culture is toxic to children, families, and marriage. The world preaches the values of the anti-gospel: praising sexual license, careerism, and various other forms of selfism. What is more, the West, despite its rhetoric, is in many ways anti-child—committed to a program of contracepting, aborting, and sundering those children who survive from their mothers and fathers.

It is especially difficult for those spouses who have trying marriages or who have been abandoned by their spouse to remain faithful to their marriage vows. But Jesus Christ promises His grace to His married disciples—grace that enables them to generously fulfill the demands of the Gospel.

Dear Jesus, please ask the Father to send forth the Spirit of Love to illumine the minds and strengthen the wills of Christian married couples so that they may be able to live according to the Divine Will. Holy Virgin, Mother of God and our most gracious Mother, intercede for all married couples and all families, that they may be made worthy of the promises of Christ and that one day they will all be united at the eternal wedding feast of the Lamb.

Courtesy Catholic Information on the Internet (

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