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Index of Saints – R

Index To Saints

To find a saint, click on the first letter of the Saint’s name

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Below is an alphabetical listing Saints whose feasts are celebrated in the Roman Catholic Liturgical Cycle and Patron Saints. There is a brief description describing each Saint and they are listed in alphabetical order.

 St. RaphaelFeast: September 29th (Feast)

Born: Not Applicable — Died: Not Applicable — Canonized: Unknown Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: No — Other: St. Raphael the Archangel’s feast had been celebrated on October 24 since 1921 until it was combined with St. Michael and St. Gabriel. His name means “God’s Remedy.” St. Gabriel is mentioned in the Bible 23 times all throughout the book of Tobit. He is the Patron Saint of the Blind, Guardian Angels, Lovers, Nurses, Physicians, and Travelers.

 St. Raymond of PenyafortFeast: January 7th (Optional Memorial)

Born: 1175 — Died: 1275 — Canonized: Unknown Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: No — Other: St. Raymond died in 1275 A.D. at age 99. He was second master general after St. Dominic. St. Raymond was born in Barcelona, Spain in 1175 A.D. At the order of Pope Gregory IX, he produced a collection of canon law. The “Summa casuum”, which treats the correct and fruitful administration of the sacrament of penance, is his most known work. St. Raymond is the Patron Saint of Canonists

 St. RomualdFeast: June 19th (Optional Memorial)

Born: 951 — Died: 1027 — Canonized: 1595 Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: No — Other: St. Romuald founded the Camaldolese hermits. He traveled through many lands establishing small monasteries. St. Romuald urged contemplative prayer through solitude, silence, and fasting. He died around 1027 A.D.

 St. Rose of LimaFeast: August 23rd (Optional Memorial)

Born: 1586 — Died: 1617 — Canonized: 1671 Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: No — Other: St. Rose was born in Lima Peru and is the first American Saint. It is said that she took a vow of virginity at 5 years of age and model her life on that of St. Catherine of Sienna. When St. Rose was 15 years old she received the habit of the Third Order of St. Dominic, and for 16 years lived a life of mortification and penance. She died in 1617 A.D. and is the Patron Saint of Florists, Gardeners, Philippines, and South America.

 St. Lawrence Ruiz Feast: September 28th (Optional Memorial)

Born: Unknown — Died: 1637 — Canonized: 1987 Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: No — Other: St. Lawrence and fifteen companions were martyred at Nagasaki by the Japanese in 1637. He was of Filipino origin and was killed while in Japan with Dominican missionaries trying to avoid false arrest. When news of the martyrdom reached Manila on December 27th, a solemn Te Deum was sung in the church of Santo Domingo. St. Lawrence was the first Filipino to be canonized.

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