Index of Saints – B
Index To Saints To find a saint, click on the first letter of the Saint’s name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Below is an alphabetical listing Saints whose feasts are celebrated in the Roman Catholic Liturgical Cycle and Patron Saints. There is a brief description describing each Saint and they are listed in alphabetical order. |
Born: Unknown — Died: 60 — Canonized: Unknown Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: Yes — Other: Apostle Born in Cyprus, Barnabas is numbered among the first of the of the faithful in Jerusalem. St. Barnabas preached the Gospel in Antioch as a companion of St. Paul. He accompanied St. Paul on his four journeys. St. Barnabas attended the Council of Jerusalem.
Born: Unknown — Died: 60 — Canonized: Unknown Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: Yes — Other: Apostle St. Bartholomew is identified by some as Nathaniel because St. Matthew list him with Philip as one of the first apostles chosen by Christ. He most likely preached the Gospel in Armenia, although there is not a clear consensus on this point. It is believed that he converted the King of Armenia and then was ordered skinned alive by the king’s brother and then beheaded. St. Bartholomew is the Patron Saint of the Plasterers and the Sick.
Born: 330 — Died: 379 — Canonized: unkown Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: No — Other: doctor of the Church St. Basil is considered one of the four great doctors of the Church of the East. He wrote the famous Basilian Rule of Monasticism and framed the Basilian Liturgy. St. Basil was born to a Christian family in Capadocia in 330 A.D. In 370 A.D. he was made bishop of Caesaarea. St. Basil fought against the Arian Heresy. His writings are the source of Eucharistic Prayer IV. St. Basil died in 379 A.D.
Born: 1118 — Died: 1170 — Canonized: 1173 Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: No — Other: St. Thomas was canonized only 3 years after being martyred. He was born in London in 1118 A.D. St. Thomas served as chancellor for 8 years before being made bishop in 1162 A.D. He was a strong defender of the Church against Henry II. King Henry II exiled St. Thomas to France for six years. When St. Thomas returned to his homeland, he endured many trials before being executed by agents of the King in 1170 A.D.
Born: 672 — Died: 735 — Canonized: Unknown Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: No — Other: doctor of the Church (1879) From the age of seven St. Bede lived in a monastery in Jarrow England. He was a priest in the Order of St. Benedict. St. Bede wrote the “Ecclesiastical History of the English People” which includes his autobiography. He is the only Englishman given the title doctor of the Church.
Born: 1542 — Died: 1621 — Canonized: 1930 Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: No — Other: doctor of the Church (1931) St. Bellarmine was born in 1542 A.D. in the Monte Pulciano, Tuscany. He was ordained as a Jesuit priest. St. Bellarmine wrote a “Catechism” and “Disputationes de Controversiis Christianæ Fidei”. He was elected to the College of Cardinals when he was bishop of Capua. St. Bellarmine was involved with the Galileo affair. He died in 1621 A.D. St. Bellarmine is the Patron Saint of Catechists and Catechumens.
Born: 480 — Died: 547 — Canonized: Unknown Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: No — Other: Saint Benedict was born in Umbria around 480 A.D. He established the Benedictine Rule. Because this rule was subsequently adopted throughout Europe, St. Benedict received the title of patriarch of Western monasticism. He died on March 21, 547 A.D. St. Benedict founded 12 monasteries. He is the Patron Saint of School Boys, People who have been Poisoned, and Europe.
Born: 1090 — Died: 1153 — Canonized: 1174 Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: No — Other: doctor of the Church (1830) Saint Bernard was born in 1090 A.D. near Dijon France. He was Cistercian Abbot of the monastery of Clairveux. St. Bernard wrote 86 sermons on the Canticle of Canticles. He fought against the Albigensian heresy. St. Bernard is known as Doctor Mellifluus. He died in 1153 A.D. and is the Patron Saint of Beekeepers, Chandlers and Gibraltar.
Born: 1380 — Died: 1444 — Canonized: 1450 Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: No — Other: St. Bernardine died in 1444 A.D. He was a famous reformer and an eloquent preacher who traveled throughout Italy. He was known for his extensive use of the monogram IHS. St. Bernardine is the Patron Saint of Advertisers and Advertising.
Born: 1845 — Died: 1937 — Beatified: 1982 Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: No — Other: Blessed André died at the age of 91 in 1937 A.D. He was orphaned at age 12. Blessed Bessette was known as a healer and the “Miracle Man of Montréal” where he founded the Oratory of St. Joseph to whom he was dedicated and fostered devotion. Over 1 million people paid their respects as his death.
Born: Unknown — Died: 316 — Canonized: Unknown Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: No — Other: St. Blase was the Bishop of Sebaste in Armenia. He was beheaded in 317 A.D. under Licinius rule. St. Blase is the Patron Saint of Soar Throats, because he healed a boy who was choking on a fish bone.
Born: 1217 — Died: 1274 — Canonized: 1482 Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: No — Other: doctor of the Church (1588) St. Bonaventure was the Cardinal bishop of Albano. He was born 1218 A.D. in Tuscany. After earning the title of Master in Philosophy and Theology at Paris, he taught his fellow members of the “Order of Friar Minors” (O.F.M.). St. Bonaventure was elected Minister General of the Order and served in that position for 17 years. He died at the Council of Lyons in 1274 A.D. St. Bonaventure wrote “Journey of the Soul into God”. He is considered the “Seraphic Doctor” of the Church.
Born: 673 — Died: 754 — Canonized: Unknown Roman Calendar: Yes (1874) — Roman Canon: No — Other: St. Boniface made many converts in Germany and was appointed Bishop of Mainz. He along with the many companions he gathered founded or restored dioceses in Bavaria, Thuringia, and Franconia. His body is buried in the monastery in Fulda. St. Boniface is the Patron Saint of Brewers and Tailors.
Born: 1538 — Died: 1584 — Canonized: 1610 Roman Calendar: Yes (1613) — Roman Canon: No — Other: St. Borromeo was born in 1538 A.D. at Arona in Lombardy. He was Cardinal and Secretary of State for his uncle Pope Pius IV by age 22. St. Borromeo implemented the reforms of Trent in his diocese of Milan. He was considered a model pastor by many bishops, including St. Frances de Sales. St. Borromeo held 5 provincial councils and 11 diocesan synods. He died on November 3, 1584 and is the Patron Saint of Catechists, Catechumens and Seminarians.
Born: 1815 — Died: 1888 — Canonized: 1934 Roman Calendar: Yes — Roman Canon: No — Other: St. John was born near Castelnuovo in the diocese of Turin in 1815 A.D. He founded the Salesians which were dedicated to educating youth. St. John with the help of St. Mary Mazzarello founded the Salesian Sisters. He died in 1888 A.D. and was canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1934. St. John is the Patron Saint of Editors.
Born: 1303 — Died: 1373 — Canonized: 1391 Roman Calendar: Yes (1623) — Roman Canon: No — Other: St. Bridget was born in Sweden in 1303 A.D. She married Prince Ulfo, by whom she had eight children. One of the children was St. Catherine of Sweden. She was originally a Third Order Franciscan, but later founded the Order of the Most Holy Savior. She sought and end to the luxury and dissipation of the Avignon Papcy and the return of the pontiff to Rome. St. Bridget died in Rome in 1373 A.D. She is the Patron Saint of Sweden.
Born: 1035 — Died: 1101 — Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes (1623) — Roman Canon: No — Other: St. Bruno was born in Cologne in 1035 A.D. He was educated in Paris. St. Bruno desired the solitary life and founded the Carthusians. The Carthusians motto is “While the world changes, the cross stands firm” St. Bruno sought “to seek God assiduously, to find God promptly, and to possess God fully.” He died in Squillace
in 1101 A.D. St. Bruno is the Patron Saint of Possessed